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2018-09-28 10:52:16




Date of Birth: Aug. 5, 1997

Xu Jiao, born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, garnered overnight fame after acting as the naughty but lovely son of Chow Ti, a migrant worker played by renowned Hong Kong actor Stephen Chow in the 2008 hit film "CJ7," which Chow also directed. Her comedic performance helped her win the 28th Hong Kong Film Award for Best New Performer in 2009. Xu later played in such films as "Mulan" (2009), "Future X-Cops" (2010), "The Legend Is Born-Ip Man" (2010) and "Starry Starry Night" (2011). In the "Future X-Cops," Xu played Kiki, daughter of a policeman from the future portrayed by Andy Lau. She also lent her voice to "Astro Boy" in 2009.



Date of Birth: Nov. 6, 1992

Yang Zi, born in Beijing, became a house-hold name after playing Xia Xue, a smart but somewhat arrogant girl and the elder daughter of Xia Donghai in the first two seasons of China's large-scaled sitcom hit series "Home with Kids," which debuted on national TV screens in 2004. Yang was only eleven when she portrayed the 17-year-old Xia Xue, but she showed no signs whatsoever of being wet behind the ears. Yang, who began acting when she was only seven, is a prolific child star, having starred in more than 30 films and TV series. She has cooperated with many renowned Chinese actors and actresses, including Song Dandan, Jiang Wenli, Xia Yu, Han Geng, Ning Jing and Hai Qing. Yang is currently a sophomore at the Beijing Film Academy。



Date of Birth: May 5, 1992

Zhang Yishan, born in Beijing, began his acting career when he was only nine years of age. He became a highly-popular child star in China for his comedic performance in the four seasons of the large-scaled sitcom hit series "Home with Kids," which hit national TV screens in 2004. There, he deeply impressed the Chinese audience with his portraying Xia Xue's younger brother Liu Xing, a naughty but witty trouble-maker. Zhang, with his his facial features that resemble those of well-established Chinese actors Jiang Wen and Xia Yu, has become a favorite with Chinese directors. He has played in some twenty Chinese films and TV series, including the 2009 production "Looking for Jackie," starring veteran actor Jackie Chan, and "Beginning of the Great Revival" in 2011. Zhang is also a sophomore at the Beijing Film Academy。




Date of Birth: Apr. 13, 1984

Chen Jianan played the little dragon boy in the fantastic children TV hit series "Little Dragon Boy" when he was only four years old in 1988. He became the darling of Chinese TV audiences who would follow his every move on the small screen from the time when the series aired in 1992, in his quest to find his mother accompanies by three other children. Between the ages of four and fourteen, Chen shot some other TV series which were aired abroad. Chen, who once operated a foreign trade company and set up his own music brand, is now vice president of a stunt training school. It's said that he has plans to reshoot "Little Dragon Boy."




Date of Birth: May 2, 1984Xie Miao, born in Beijing, is a new-generation kung fu actor who has already won championship titles in several martial arts competitions. Xie rose to fame in 1994 for playing Hung Man Ting in Hong Kong director Wong Jing's box-office hit "The New Legend of Shaolin," starring international kung fu star Jet Li. In 1995, he again starred alongside Li, playing Siuku, the son of policeman Gung Wai portrayed by Jet Li in "My Father Is a Hero." His shining performances in both productions thrust him into the limelight both at home and abroad. He also appeared in "God of Gamblers II," starring Chow Yun Fat in 1994.




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